Terrace Court

Possibly imperial kilns, Jingdezhen, 1780-1820
Height: 6.9 cm
Mouths/lips: 0.62/2.38 cm
Stoppers: iron-red, turquoise and gold enamel on porcelain; Guillaume Pons, London, c. 2011

Freeman’s, 10 September 2011, lot 59
Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd.


Famille rose enamels on colourless glaze on porcelain; a double bottle, each with a separate, flat lip but set on a single, recessed flat, oval foot surrounded by a protruding convex, oval foot rim; moulded with a continuous garden and terrace scene with, on one main side, a judge sitting at a table, with two defendants on their knees before him, four soldiers or court officials with halberds in the foreground, and large number of men on either side watching, some holding various short staffs or sticks, or other objects, and on the other with five women on a terrace, two with lanterns, with a servant nearby, one of the women with very long hat feathers, the foot and lip gilt, the interiors unglazed.

Alexander Whittaker