Jiangnan Idyll

Slip Master, Yixing, 1770–1850
Height: 6.22 cm
Mouth/lip: 0.59/1.3 cm
Stopper: tourmaline; glass collar

Gerd Lester
Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd.

Kleiner 1995, no. 240
Chen Tao 2002, 24, no. 37
Moss, Graham, and Tsang 2008, no. 1449
La Gazette de la Tabatière Chinoise, 11 (Winter 2016), 31, fig. 44


Beige stoneware slip on brown stoneware; with a flat lip and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding flat foot rim, with a recessed, slightly convex circular panel on each main side; one painted with a man seated fishing to the right of an open waterside pavilion, to the left of which a tree grows from a rounded rise, an odd hill with foliage dots on the far side of the water, the sun or moon painted at the top of the circle just left of centre, the other with a butterfly flying from the left into the picture, where bamboo grows about a cluster of rocks; the interior unglazed.

Alexander Whittaker