The Catch of 1904

Ye Zhongsan, Huashi, Beijing, Second Month, 1904
Height: 5.9 cm
Mouth/lip: 0.60/1.62 cm
Stopper: jadeite; glass collar

Private collection, Ohio.
Freeman’s 10 September 2011, lot 60


Colourless crystal with icy flaws, ink, and watercolours; with a flat lip and flat, elongated oval foot; painted inside with a continuous scene of a carp, five fan-tailed goldfish, two mandarin fish and a minnow in water with aquatic plants, inscribed in running script with the title Longmen deyi 龍門得意 (‘Achieving the goal at Dragon Gate’), followed by Jiachen xingyue xieyu jingshi, Ye Zhongsan 甲辰杏月寫於京师, 葉仲三 (‘Written by Ye Zhongsan at the capital in a Second Month of the Jiachen year’) with one token seal, yin

Alexander Whittaker