Pink Treasures

Probably Beijing, 1750-1840
Height: 5.89 cm
Mouth/lip: 0.81/1.47 cm
Stopper: jadeite

Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd., 1984.
Hildegard Schonfeld
Christie’s, New York, 21 March 2013, lot 1091

JICSBS, Winter 1997, front cover.
JICSBS, Spring 2013, p.40, fig. 13

Taipei Gallery, New York, Chinese Snuff Bottles, 1-29 October 1993, p. 5.


Transparent, ruby-pink and translucent white glass; with a flat lip and recessed, convex, oval foot surrounded by a protruding convex, oval foot rim; carved as a single overlay with a continuous design of various scholarly trappings (a scrolling, two- level stand bearing a bowl of finger-citrons, a zhadou and cover and a bi disc in an elaborate stand, together with a wrapped qin, two cups, a tiny bell-shaped object with a handle, a cong shaped vase with the eight trigrams and a yinyang symbol with a wrapped scroll leaning against it, a small water vessel with a spoon, a weiqi board with boxes of pieces, an incense-tool vase with chopsticks and an incense-spade in it, a ding incense burner with a cover and stand, a volume of books, a covered box on a stand, a vase set on a stand and containing a ruyi sceptre and a halberd with a chime hanging from it, and a seal).

Alexander Whittaker