Palace Plenty

Probably Beijing, 1730-1780
Height: 5.94 cm
Mouth/lip: .99/1.68 cm
Stopper: ruby; gilt-silver collar

The White Wings Collection
Gallery Betrand De Lavergne
White Orchid Collection
Robert Hall
Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd

The White Wings Collection.  Hong Kong: Pressroom Printer and Designer, 1997, no. 60.
Robert Hall, Chinese Snuff Bottles no. XVIII.  A Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles including a selection from the White Orchid Collection. London: 2013, no RH XVIII no 25


Transparent ruby-red and slightly milky glass suffused with some white flecks and bubbles; with a wide mouth, flat lip and recessed, convex oval foot surrounded by a protruding, flat oval footrim; carved as a single overlay with a continuous design of fruiting trees representing the Three Abundances (peach, pomegranate and Buddha’s-hand fruit) growing from a rocky ground, with a bat in flight set in the curve of the peach, the foot in the overlay colour.

Alexander Whittaker