Scenes from the Western Chamber

Jingdezhen 1840-1930
Height: 6.35 cm
Mouth/lip: 0.62/1.4 cm
Stopper: glass

John Ruckman
Charles V. Swain
Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd, Hong Kong, 2009
Ruth and Carl Barron Collection, Belmont, Massachusetts, no. 4907
Christie’s, New York, 14 September 2014, lot 519
Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd.


Famille rose enamels on colourless glaze on porcelain; with a flat lip, flat foot, and convex foot rim; each main side with a moulded design depicting scenes from Xixiangji 西廂記 (Story of the West Wing), the narrow sides with mask-and -ring handles, the foot inscribed in seal script with an apocryphal mark, Qianlong nian zhi 乾隆年製 (‘Made in the Qianlong era’), the interior unglazed.

Alexander Whittaker