Pebble Face

Probably imperial, 1740–1840
Height: 7.42 cm
Mouth/lip: 0.71/2.33 and 2.21 cm (one area of the circle flattened)
Stopper: jadeite; gilt-silver collar         

Christie’s, Hong Kong, 1 October 1991, lot 1262
Hugh M. Moss Ltd. (Hong Kong, 1993)
Bloch Collection
Bonham’s, Hong Kong, 28 November 2011, lot 8
Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd.

Moss, Graham, Tsang no. 9
Li Yinghao 李英豪。 2000.  《保值鼻烟壶》辽宁画报出版社, p. 4 (not numbered) top right.


Translucent white nephrite of pebble material with mottled, variegated brown skin; with a flat lip with one flattened edge to match the shape of the bottle and a recessed flat, oval foot surrounded by a protruding flat foot rim, also with one flattened main side.

Alexander Whittaker