First Rank

Height: 6.72 cm
Mouth/lip: 0.85/1.55 cm
Stopper: aventurine-glass; pearl finial; plastic collar

Hugh M. Moss Ltd. (prior to 1972)
Heflene Collection
Hugh M. Moss Ltd., Hong Kong (1985)

Kleiner 1995, no. 152
Treasury 5, no.924

British Museum, London, June-October 1995
Israel Museum, Jerusalem, July-November 1997


Transparent sapphire-blue glass and transparent, slightly milky glass suffused with small air bubbles; with a flat lip and recessed, slightly convex foot surrounded by a protruding flat foot rim; carved as a single overlay, one main side with a fenghuang perched on a bamboo plant in a grove with a protruding rock formation, the other with a crane on a rocky promontory, set in formalized waves with lingzhi sprouting from it, with formalized clouds above.

Alexander Whittaker