Stealing Immortality

Master of the Rocks school, 1740–1860
Height: 5.1 cm
Mouth/lip: 0.53/1.52 and 1.50 cm (oval)
Stopper: tourmaline; silver collar

Hugh M. Moss Ltd (Hong Kong, 1994)
Sotheby's, Hong Kong, 27 May 2013, lot 175 

Kleiner 1995, no. 86
Moss, Graham, and Tsang 1995, no. 133

British Museum, London, June–October 1995


Nephrite, of pebble material with artificial colour; with a concave lip, flat foot and convex footrim; carved on one main side with Dongfang Shuo 東方朔standing beneath a flying bat in a rocky landscape and holding over his shoulder a branch growing with two of the peaches of immortality, the narrow sides each with a chi dragon and the other main side with an inscription in draft script, Zai tian wei xingjing, jiang wei Han ming chen, huixie yiqun在天為星精,降為漢名臣,詼諧軼群 [‘In heaven he was the essence of a star; he descended to become a famous minister of the Han; his humorous wit was above the crowd’], followed by the signature Zigang in seal script, the pebble-skin enhanced by staining.

Alexander Whittaker