Eternal Peace

Yangzhou, 1830-1890
Height: 5.88 cm
Mouth/lip: 0.60/1.45 cm
Stopper: coral, carved as an endless knot; plastic collar.

Gerd Lester (1986)
Hugh Moss (HK) Ltd.

Kleiner 1987, no. 129
Treasury 5, no.1026

Sydney L. Moss Ltd., London, October 1987
Creditanstalt, Vienna, May-June 1993


Translucent olive-brown and white glass; with a flat lip and recessed convex foot surrounded by a protruding flattened foot rim; carved as a single overlay with, on one main side, a cat seated on a perforated garden rock beside flowering chrysanthemums, gazing up at three butterflies, with a pot of orchids nearby, and on the other with various auspicious symbols (a branch of blossoming prunus in a vase, a three-legged bowl with three tangerines, a gnarled wood walking staff with a double gourd attached to it, a teapot and drinking cup, and pair of quail pecking at grain that has fallen from a spray of millet), inscribed in relief seal characters Suisui ping’an 歲歲平安 (‘Peace and security year after year’), the narrow sides each with a pair of catfish suspended from a twig.

Alexander Whittaker